
Deceit by M.J. Haag
Deceit by M.J. Haag

Deceit by M.J. Haag

To split this up into three separate items is, well, a bit of a con to the audience. This story is part of the Beastly Tales series and as such should be reviewed as all three “books” because frankly they’re all the same book. Overall, I'd rate this a 3.5įan fiction writer's almost successful experiment

Deceit by M.J. Haag

There's a 5-min sneak peek of the next and final part of this story. And Beauty begin to act more like a child who didn't get her way. The reason for the efforts begin to be dubious & manufactured. After so many & the associated angst I grew tired. Very much like a fable, the story seemed to have a specific goal of change for 1 of them & then focused on it in multiple ways to affect the change. And later there's cunnilingus 2x near the end. Almost 4 hrs into the story there's minor touching five hrs in there's breast touching. Instead it was referenced by words like "curls" or "being parted. The bit more because the f-word is used twice, though not during any act. The writing is good but just a little bit more than a YA bedtime story most of the story. And the ways the Beauty gets Beast to act differently in spite of his sexual desire, has been done plenty, ways like getting him to laugh, have fun or treating him better than others in just humane ways. There is NO sex during the vast majority of the story but some innuendos, nakedness, primarily flimsy seduction of Beauty, her flirting & tempting Beast w/ no fulfillment (until almost the end). This book was a little more than the development of trust & friendship between a kind hearted human female & a male ogre-like man in beast form.

Deceit by M.J. Haag